Leaving social media

Leaving social media was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 

More than two weeks ago I decided to left Instagram and Snapchat. I can definitely say I was almost every 2 hours on Instagram such a waste of my time. I am so grateful for myself that I deleted these apps. I don’t miss uploading photos and receiving likes from other people. In general, I don’t miss the attention, validation I was looking for all the time.
I used to compare myself with so many other girls which made me unhappy. I also think Instagram is so boring as well as Snapchat.

Nowadays I actually only use my phone for music and sometimes I ask my friends when we will meet again and that's it. Seriously, I more focused on my study when and I don’t waste hours on Instagram which give me nothing than unhappiness. I started to go outside more and do stuff face-to-face with others. 

I can only recommend leaving social media!

(Pic: weheartit)


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